Alone is happy time also

 Spend some time with yourself,  it gives you another level of satisfaction .

Sitting alone always  doesn't  mean you are unhappy or disappointed .Sometimes you need peace and cutting from outside world or with your loved ones does not cost anything . 

Alone just mean just you and your beautiful  thoughts .

Share your thoughts with me , when you feel to be alone sometimes ?

Let's talk about your thoughts,  share in comment section 🦋🦋🦋

The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference.

Richard Dawkins

Alone time is an opportunity to let your mind wander and strengthen your creativity. Without the need to care for or interact with other people, you can ignore outside influences and focus inward.

Loneliness is linked to a wide range of negative health consequences including a higher risk for depression, anxiety, obesity, high blood pressure, and early death.

But it is important to remember that being alone doesn’t equal loneliness. Where loneliness is marked by negative feelings associated with isolation, alone time involves finding freedom, inspiration, and rejuvenation in solitude. 

If you are thinking of spending some time alone, it is important to do so in ways that are beneficial to your mental well-being. Being alone is most beneficial when it is voluntary. It’s also important that you feel like you can return to your social world whenever you like.

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